Violin Strings Notes
for "Twinkle"

Violin strings notes to show how to play Twinkle! Sometimes a compromise is in order, and this sheet music that shows the violin finger positions has made this song easier for a student who doesn't play easily by ear.

I know I'm going to get picked on for this music which shows the violin finger positions, and this will seem like sacrilege to those of you who have been trained by the Suzuki classic approach, using the Suzuki music books.
My student and I spent such a long time playing the Twinkle variations, that she forgot how the real Twinkle melody goes.  Yes, it can happen.

Violin Strings Notes
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star sheet music

Please scroll down the page for the download links.

Hmmm... is this cheating?

WHY am I giving in like this?  I am giving in because I have found that one particular violin student of mine thrives with finger numbers, and flounders without them.  

My young student's strength is reading and reproducing the notes.  She DOES NOT have an ear for notes yet.  (She also is very slow to match pitch when singing.)  I am hopeful that "the ear" will eventually come.

Perhaps in a classroom of other kids playing the violin, she would "catch on."  At home, with just her lonesome, she teaches herself MISTAKES.

She isn't listening to the Suzuki music.

Yes, she should be LISTENING and LISTENING and LISTENING to her Suzuki CD.  But she ISN'T, and her parents are the kind of parents who want to leave it all up to the student.  (Tell me I'm not alone!)

She's a sweetie, and her mother is dear to me too, so...

The solution

Here is a "cheater" version of Twinkle, with violin strings' notes displayed. 

This sheet music is a worksheet for us.  What we do is loop the notes with a different color of ink to represent each string.  For example, my student chose blue for the "A" string notes, and purple for the "E" string notes.  

So, we made a blue loop around the first two notes of Twinkle, and a long purple loop around the next four notes, as those ones are all played on the E string.

Singing can help

I have placed the Twinkle lyrics in the song because I want her to sing along as she plays on the violin, at least sometimes.  Her singing can be tuneless - as if she doesn't hear the notes.  

Matching pitches is something a violin player has to master!  I will say that there has been an improvement over the months she has been a student.  

However, singing and playing by memory (by ear) simultaneously has not been helpful for her.  She does better with written music.

I've not given up on the Suzuki CD listening.  Just this week I told her mother she HAS to make the recordings a priority.   The funny thing is, my student loves the violin.  

What about a different instrument?

You might say that piano would be a better choice for her, and I would agree - except that she didn't like the piano, which she took last year (with a different teacher).  The violin, she loves.  I empathize with that, and I will work with her.

From Henrik Nordberg, a Suzuki graduation recital:

The link for the Twinkle Twinkle Little Star music:

Download violin strings notes for Twinkle

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What a fabulous website! I've been a keen amateur piano player since I first learnt 56 years ago at the age of 8.

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Method book for violin "Essential Elements"

About the Author

Dana Thynes

Hi, I'm Dana!  (Say that like "Anna".)  I'm the owner of, and a newer site,

Like some of you, I've been playing the piano since early childhood, and have added a few other instruments along the way, plus an interest in arranging and composing music.

You can find out more about me and the reason for this website at my About Me page.