After Year Two -
Free Easy Piano Sheet Music

Free easy piano sheet music for your students who are past beginner level!  

Now students start using moving chords in the left hand, requiring more hand coordination.  Also, the range of notes is greater than in Year One and After Year One.

Free easy piano sheet music for After Year Two of piano, Hava Nagilah
All My Trials piano music

All My Trials

A nice arrangement of this old blues song.

From a guest contributor, Doug Hanvey.  

America piano music

America (My Country 'Tis of Thee)

A fairly easy arrangement of this song, with some parallel motion and some solid and broken chords.

Piano song Angel in the Sky

Angel in the Sky

A pretty song with a repeated chord pattern, with lyrics that can be sung.

This song is about missing a friend.

Bach Minuet in G music

Bach Minuet in G

Three different "arrangements" of the minuet are on this page, including the original!

Bach Prelude in C sheet music

Bach Prelude in C

This is the real thing; three pages.

Also on this page you will find a four-measure introductory version of this pretty prelude, written with large notes to alleviate the fear of sixteenth notes for newbies!

Gentle-sounding and beautiful, this repetitious piece made of chord inversions is a good choice for a church prelude, or for weddings.

The Beatitudes sheet music

The Beatitudes, Matthew 5:3-12

This lead sheet is a good way for early pianists to learn this song, as the piano arrangement of the Beatitudes song is challenging!

These are the beautiful words of Jesus, when he says, "Blessed are they which hunger and thirst, for they shall be filled."

BINGO sheet music


This is a long song! 

But it is just what some kids like.

Lots of good left hand chord practice!

Brian Boru's March, a lovely Irish tune with a vigorous left hand and also broken chords.

Brian Boru's March

This is exciting and vigorous - and beautiful as well!  

Don't miss Brian Boru.

Burleske, or Burlesque, a piano piece by Leopold Mozart, for intermediate students.

Burlesque, by Leopold Mozart

This piece is by Mozart's father.

It is a catchy piece, with a repeating left hand.

The right hand presents much opportunity for finger replacement practice, a necessary skill for pianists!

Your fingering choices may be different than mine, but try them out!

Piano sheet music Can-Can


Several versions on this page - both harder than the one shown, and also a couple that are easier!

Sheet music for piano "The Cat Came Back"

Cat Came Back

This is a very fun song.  

Several versions are on this page, with slight alterations in the melody to make it easier to play for some students.

Sheet music for Chopsticks piano solo

Chopsticks music solo

This song earns a place on this past-beginner-stage page, because using a G7 chord in the "oom-pah-pah" left hand pattern is pretty hard!

It is a big stretch for small hands, and putting this piece hands together is something of a small feat.

Piano sheet music for "Come Ye Sinners"

Come Ye Sinners, one of the old gospel hymns

This pretty tune has several different sets of lyrics.

You may recognize it from movies set in olden days.

Cowboy's Lament music

Cowboy's Lament (I'm Going to Leave Old Texas)

A favorite cowboy song of mine, with a great bass patterns that sounds like a horse loping along.

Piano sheet music "De Boself"

De Boself

An impish-sounding piece!  Indeed, a "boself," hailing from the Netherlands, is a kind of mischievous goblin-like creature.

This is an arrangement of a classical piece.

Down to the River to Pray song

Down to the River to Pray sheet music

A satisfying piece of music, fun & easy to sing, with many verses!

Egyptian Dance music

Egyptian Dance

A beautiful, mysterious-sounding piece that sounds much harder than it actually is.

Two times through the melody, with a slight change in the left hand the second time through, makes this a quickly-learned challenge for many students!

Erie Canal music

Erie Canal

Not hard, but with shifting hand positions.  

This is a 2-page longer version than my other, shorter arrangements.

Funeral March music

Funeral March, Chopin's scary Halloween music!

This ominous melody with the somber chords is very spooky...

Fur Elise written with quarter notes, in 6/4 time instead of 3/8.  Easy to read for piano beginners.

Fur Elise original (part 1)

This is the real thing, except that I've written it with QUARTER NOTES instead of the usual sixteenths and eighths.

So much easier to read.

Two pages - this is just part one of Fur Elise.

Irish song

Galway Piper, a traditional Irish song

Bouncy with a driving energy, this song with staccato & running scales is fun to play!

German Dance music

German Dance, by Beethoven

An intricate scalar right hand melody with many fingering details.

Fortunately, the left hand is fairly static, but exciting with its big octaves!

The very first line of the melody has a naturally soaring feeling of climax - very fun!

God is Good music

God is So Good

This is the most difficult arrangement of this little song - still pretty easy!

Piano music Golden Wedding

Golden Wedding

Adding the left hand to this melody makes an easy tune very tricky - but the chords are predictable, and beautiful!

Goober Peas music

Goober Peas easy piano songs for kids

A funny song about Civil War soldiers munching peanuts (known as "goober peas").

This is a cute song with an adorable melody.

Happy Birthday sheet music for piano

Happy Birthday

There are a number of arrangements on this page, including very EASY beginner arrangements with shared-hands for the melody.

This one starts with an exciting rolled chord, and uses chord inversions in the left hand.

Happy Land music for piano

Happy Land

An old song, a Shape Note song, I believe, from early America.

Sweet and pretty, from a more devout time.

Harp Ballad music for piano

Harp Ballad printable sheet music for piano

An important piece in my studio.

A beautiful melody is juxtaposed with a repeating left hand pattern, which breaks away into long climbing chords in part 2.

The hand coordination practice is invaluable, and marks a milestone for students.

Folk sheet music

Hava Nagilah folk sheet music

A piece with lots of energy and excitement, not to mention hand coordination challenges!

Two pages.

Blues music for piano

Hold On (& All My Trials)

This song is kind of cool... a nice blues chord pattern, back & forth, and a melody that stays inside 5 notes, for the first half.

House of the Rising Sun chords

House of the Rising Sun chords

A terrific old song made famous by a group called "The Animals" back in the 60's.

Piano sheet music for Lewis Carroll poem

How Doth the Little Crocodile easy piano songs for beginners

A creepy-sounding melody to accompany the Lewis Carroll poem found in Alice in Wonderland.

It sounds very crocodile-like in a natural way!

Piano duet sheet music Hungarian Dance

Hungarian Dance

Okay; this one is actually a DUET. 

The secondo part is tricky enough to qualify to be in this harder page of music; the primo is for younger players.

This is one of Brahms's most exciting pieces!

A collection of songs and beginning scales and chords for young pianists

Check out a fancy version of the Pachelbel Canon that even elementary students can play!

Piano sheet music "I Love the Mountains" for young students

I Love the Mountains

This is a lead sheet, but on this page you'll find assistance on how to handle the chords in this fun song!

Worship song for piano & guitar

I Love You, Lord

A satisfying arrangement of this worship song 

piano sheet music by Grieg

In the Hall of the Mountain King sheet music

This is a one-page version of this famous melody.  

Not really easy, but exciting and motivating!

In the Mood Big Band sheet music

In the Mood piano arrangement

Yes, this is the famous Big Band piece that still retains its popularity!  And it's no wonder - full of exuberant chord patterns and sliding scales, it's even more fun to play than to listen to.

Even your thoroughly modern students will tell you they think they have heard this before... somewhere.

Not many second year students will be able to play this, but some of your older students may be ready for it.

Irish Washerwoman piano music

Irish Washerwoman

Using open chords, this traditional melody has a fun, swingy feeling!

There's something irresistible about this little tune...

Irish Wedding piano sheet music

Irish Wedding free printable sheet music

This is the most difficult of the several versions that I have on this website.  

Page one, still EASY.

But page two, not shown here, is quite challenging, with octave broken chords in the right hand, and octave jumps in the left hand chords.


Song Jesus Loves Me

Jesus Loves Me

An easy but full-sounding arrangement of this beloved hymn.  With fingering suggestions, and with the Jesus Loves Me full lyrics.

Kookaburra piano music


A cute song from Australia about a bird whose call sounds like laughter.

This music is also a round, for singing!

Pirate piano music

Lake Pirates free printable piano sheet music - modeled after The Hobbit Soundtrack, Hobbit 3!

This 3-page song is a LOT of FUN to play.

Surprisingly easy - it is set in the key of Cm, with a simple repeating left hand - and only a couple of complicated parts!

A favorite with my students.

Largo from The New World Symphony piano

Largo, from the New World Symphony

A famous and beautiful theme.

It does indeed evoke the spacious expanses of the "new world," as Dvorak called America.

Built around a C chord, mostly.

Piano arrangement Lavender's Blue

Lavender's Blue - the Cinderella song lyrics!

This pretty melody was used in a recent Cinderella movie, where Cinderella, trapped in the attic, sings the song and is rescued by the prince.

Simple chords and inversions make up the left hand.

The right hand is as easy as can be...

Little Drummer Boy piano sheet music

Little Drummer Boy

An engaging song with lots of repetition and fullness of sound. 


Music book for beginners "Just the Black Keys"
Chord inversion piano exercise

Louie Louie

I use this set of chords as an exercise, that sounds like real music.

It is ALMOST the same as the real Louie, Louie, with one chord alteration.

Shown here is the second level, employing chord inversions instead of plain root chords only.

Minka music for piano

Minka easy piano songs

Five different arrangements of this frenzied little tune.

I say "frenzied," because there is a real urgency in this music that hastens the player along!

Very fun.

free lead piano sheet

Morning Has Broken

So far, this music only comes as a lead sheet.

But part of becoming an accomplished pianist is figuring out how to add chords to a melody.

Don't miss this pretty one!

Give your students the joy of learning Beethoven's famous Für Elise in an easy-to-read format... every note from the ORIGINAL piece is here  in this beautiful new setting

Piano sheet music "Morning Song"

Morning Song from "Peer Gynt"

This arrangement is two pages long, and moves up into the key of E.  Very lovely, and not too hard.

America sheet music - My Country 'Tis of Thee

My Country, 'Tis of Thee (America)

A favorite old song of the United States - though it was originally from Great Britain, known as "God Save Our Noble Queen (or King)"

O Susannah sheet music for piano

O Susannah

A bit of tricky chord work in the left hand.

Sheet music for piano

Oh, How Lovely is the Evening

This singing round is also a pretty piano piece with easy broken chords and inversions.  

It is a good candidate for transposing work!

Sheet music for piano the Pachelbel Canon

Pachelbel Canon in D longer

You can look at several levels of arrangements of the Canon on this page.

One thing that will be plain to you immediately is that this arrangement is not in the key of D!

But along with the key of C, you will also find a download in the key of D.

Rain Rain Go Away piano music

Rain, Rain, Go Away beginner keyboard music sheets, free

See this page for a duet and an easier version of this song.

Cowboy song Red River Valley

Red River Valley

I loved this song as a kid.  

I still love it!  

Several different arrangements, for the cowboy-loving students in your midst.

Japanese piano sheet music "Sakura"


Very pretty, a Japanese song about cherry blossoms.

Evocative and mood-setting, with opportunities for expression.

Piano music Secret Garden

Secret Garden

Play the Secret Garden song from the 1993 movie (it is also known as "Mary's First Time Outside").

An unusually pretty melody, arranged with an easy left hand.

In Am, or Bm.

Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God piano and voice music

Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God

This pretty piece has 3 pages, because there is a descant that goes with the melody.

The main theme uses just 5 notes, in the C position!

The Four Seasons Spring Vivaldi

Spring, by Vivaldi

From "The Four Seasons," a violin concerto, this is a famous tune!

Find four versions on the Spring page, two with letters in the note heads.

Free piano sheets online

Streets of Laredo - free piano sheets online

Three different arrangements of this old cowboy song.  

This is a sad one, but pretty.

Sheet music Swan Lake for piano

Swan Lake easy piano sheet music

There are three arrangements of Tchaikovsky's ballet theme on this page:

This early intermediate (late elementary) version shown here, and two very simple beginner arrangements.

One has a beautiful secondo part to turn the song into a duet!

Sweet Hour of Prayer sheet music

Sweet Hour of Prayer

A pretty, old-fashioned hymn with depths of meaning.  

Find two late elementary arrangements for piano on this page, plus an easy arrangement for Middle C, and also sheets with guitar tabs! 

Sheet music for Twinkle Twinkle Little Star for piano

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

This pretty and delicate-sounding arrangement is only ONE of the versions you will find on the Twinkle page for piano.

Learn the melody, the basic chords, and get fancier and fancier!

Waltzing Matilda piano sheet music

Waltzing Matilda

This pretty song hails from Australia... it may even be the national song.

This is not actually a piano arrangement, but a lead sheet here on this page.  It's worth having a go at this song, as it is very satisfying to play and sing!

Sheet music for piano and voice

The Wellerman sheet music

This sea chantey went VIRAL on the internet - even my little grandkids knew it!

Very fun to play and sing along with.

Printable piano music What Do You Do With a Drunken Sailor

What Will We Do With a Drunken Sailor?

This song has several arrangements on its page, including some which title the song "What Do You Do With a GRUMPY Sailor?"

If you can persuade your students to conquer the fingering, this song will be a blast to play.

Piano music White Coral Bells

White Coral Bells

An old favorite, that functions as a piano song, and a solo or round for singers.

Very pretty.

Yellow Rose of Texas piano music

Yellow Rose of Texas

A great old song from the American West.

With a repeating boogie-like left hand accompaniment.

"Yo Ho Ho" with made-easy notes

Yo Ho Ho

Not really that hard, and a lot of big sound!

Two pages, with some finger-replacement and hand shifting.

Zum Gali Gali piano sheet music

Zum Gali Gali

A Hebrew song, with perhaps a bit of Yiddish mixed into the lyrics!

A mesmerizing and lovely melody - minor, of course!

Give your students the joy of learning Beethoven's famous Für Elise in an easy-to-read format... every note from the ORIGINAL piece is here  in this beautiful new setting

Your website is a light in the darkness. THANK YOU for all you do in helping to spread the love of music. It matters!

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Interested in songs from the Bible for your students or church?  Check out my other website,! clickable logo link

Songs Old & Songs New

All the first-year material I give my beginner students. 

Piano keyboard sheets, scales, chords, note-reading exercises, and over 256 pages of music!

The Story of Esther - a Bible opera!

Queen Esther in the Bible

This beautiful song book for piano & voice "Esther, For Such a Time as This",  available as a digital downloadtells the riveting story of the time when  Jews in ancient Persia faced a foe named Haman, and how a  brave young queen risked her life to save her people.

A good choice for a singing story-teller, an operatic group, a short theater production, or a class of children!

This book is also available from Amazon as a paperback.

Just the Black Keys, a piano song book for young beginners.

Just the Black Keys

This book is available as a digital download  from this site.  Visit this page to see some free examples from the book.

It is also available from Amazon as a paperback!

This is the perfect easy start for little pianists.

And when they start reading white-key notes on the staff, this is a fun easy resource to say each week, "Choose a new black-key song at home this week and figure it out to show me next lesson!"  They will be spending more time at the piano.

The Adventures of Tonsta, Volume 1, is a book about a young boy travelling over mountains and fjords from village to village, encountering trolls and helping folk in distress.

The Adventures of Tonsta

A perfect read aloud storybook
for little boys or girls. 

The Adventures of Tonsta highlight the travels of a very young boy with a good heart, who goes about helping folk in trouble.  

With a red cap on his head and a sack of tools slung over his shoulder, Tonsta seems to meet people in distress wherever he goes.

Lots of trolls in this book - including one who gives him a Christmas gift!

Available at Amazon

Comments: Do you have a story or a question about music teaching? Share it!

Please note that all comments are moderated, and will not appear until I have approved them. Also, IF YOU ARE ASKING FOR MUSIC THAT IS NOT IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN, YOUR REQUEST WILL BE IGNORED. That's pretty much any music written in the last 75 years...

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Mrs. Edna Washburn, Piano Teacher Not rated yet
Your website has been a wonderful resource for me as I have looked for supplementary music for my students. I have used much of your music and your advice. …

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About the Author

Dana Thynes

Hi, I'm Dana!  (Say that like "Anna".)  I'm the owner of, and a newer site,

Like some of you, I've been playing the piano since early childhood, and have added a few other instruments along the way, plus an interest in arranging and composing music.

You can find out more about me and the reason for this website at my About Me page.