The First Year:
Free Piano Sheetmusic

Free piano sheetmusic for your beginners!

Primarily, this page is made up of Middle C music with "shared-between-the-hands" melodies.

All the Pretty Little Horses for beginning piano

All the Pretty Little Horses

This very pretty tune is also available with alphanotes - lettered notes.

Not a bad idea considering the big skips.

Additionally, there are some pieces that make use of left hand chords or simple accompaniments. 

Amazing Grace piano music for beginners

Amazing Grace

With long notes, easy to count, instead of 8th notes.

Most of the Middle C melodies have chord suggestions or illustrative graphics for an enterprising accompanist to devise his or her own backup.  

The Ants Go Marching sheet music for early piano players

Ants Go Marching lyrics, chords, & melody

What a great melody this is!

If you can coax kids through the fingering challenges the first week, this song will be a winner.

Arab Dance, from The Nutcracker

Arabian Dance (from The Nutcracker)

Not really all that easy!  But lovely just the same, and mesmerizing enough to capture a young piano student's imagination.

A few also have written-out secondo parts, for easy duet playing. (In that case, the melody part usually needs to move up an octave, to accommodate the secondo part.)

The Ash Grove song

Ash Grove, a Welsh folk song

This pretty tune also comes with lettered notes.

My favorite way to use these easy pieces is with beginners just starting to read notes.  I place a "Note-Reading worksheet" next to the chosen piece, and we get started writing in the note names with a pencil!

Generally, I choose just ONE NOTE to identify, and help the student spot every instance that same note shows up.

The rest of the notes are HOMEWORK for them - the new music is placed in a special spot in their folder just for these kind of songs, and at the next lesson I check to make certain the notes were written in!

Away in a Manger Christmas song

Away in a Manger

Such a sweet Christmas carol!

Baby Bumblebee song for piano

Baby Bumblebee song

This is a famous tune that both you and your youngest students will recognize!

They will probably want to sing it, too.

Piano music Baby Shark

Baby Shark sheet music

This cute and well-known song will be a hit with a certain age group among your students!

Bach Minuet in G sheet music arranged for beginning piano

Bach Minuet in G

There are several arrangements of this familiar tune on this page, all the way from this easy "note-reader" arrangement, to the original, with two pages!

The following week, they choose a different song to be their "note-writing song," or else I give them a choice out of three or four songs.

In this way, I find my students pecking away at music that may be too hard for them, and certainly a challenge to sightread.  

They may not conquer the piece, because I don't require them to actually PLAY the piece, but they usually do play it!

Beginner song for piano "Back and Forth"

Back and Forth

No helper notes on this song!  

But because it moves entirely by steps - when it moves - this song is easy to read.

Be Thou My Vision hymn for beginner piano

Be Thou My Vision

More complicated than most melodies with shared hands.

The student must read a ledger line note in left hand, and scoot into a new position in right hand!

The B-I-B-L-E song for beginner piano

The B-I-B-L-E

A very well-known Sunday school song. very fun at a certain age!

BINGO piano music



The notes are all close around Middle C.

Sea shanty Blow Ye Winds for piano

Blow Ye Winds in the Morning

This song isn't that well known, but it has a great melody and lots of energy.

Also on this page is a duet version, and a couple of solos.

Piano sheet music pdf for beginners

Boil'em Cabbage Down free piano sheet music pdf for beginners

This fiddle tune rips along really fast, and is a good beginner's duet!  The energy makes it contagious, and FUN.

Lots of repeated notes in the melody - always helpful - but I always start with the chord part, the "secondo".  "Just plain chords", back and forth between the two hands, evoked the cry, "This is fun!" from a little boy who was starting it.

Piano music Burleske by Mozart

Burleske, by Mozart

This piece is actually by Mozart's FATHER, Leopold!

I tell my students that I heard this piece was like the rock music of that time period, and that Herr Mozart was writing this out for little Wolfgang to please him!

Pachelbel Canon sheet music

Canon in D (in the key of C)

There are several versions of the Pachelbel Canon in D (transposed to C) on this site.

Sheet music Cat Came Back

Cat Came Back lyrics & chords

Two pages for this shared-hands melody, because there are such amazing lyrics (found on page 2).

There are several different versions of the melody to be found on this page...

Some are all in one hand, five fingers.

Chopsticks for piano using 2 fingers

Chopsticks music for duet or solo

Shown here is the easiest approach to this famous tune.  

There are also secondo sheets showing the chords, and 3 solo versions (more to come!)

Old Gospel song sheet music

Come Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy

This old-fashioned melody is two pages long.  

The lyrics are powerful, and the melody is catchy.

Cowboy song sheet music

Cowboy's Lament (I'm Going to Leave Old Texas)

The song of an old cowboy, leaving the range.

Song about Dinosaurs sheet music

Days of the Dinosaurs, with dinosaur song lyrics

A surprisingly easy-to-play song about the unsuccessful attempts of a T-rex to capture the prey, yet again!  

Three verses and three  pages of excitement and suspense.

Stepwise notes in beginner piano song

Dipping Donuts

This song is about using a "dipping" motion with the wrist when playing piano.

It is also a good note-reading practice song, easy because it is all step-wise movement with lots of repeats.

Piano music "The Eensy Weensy Spider" for beginner students

Eensy Weensy Spider, or Itsy Bitsy Spider

There are several arrangements of Eensy Weensy on this page!

There is a lead sheet arrangement that uses only 5 fingers in the right hand, allowing for adding chords in the left hand.

Easy piano song about Fairies

Fairies in the Garden free piano sheets for beginners

Every note is just one step away, so helpful for new readers, except one little skip, which is assisted by a couple of AlphaNotes.

I tell students "This is like Snakes - every note, almost, is right next door to every other note!"

Hymn piano music for beginners

Farther On

What is waiting beyond death for those who have placed their faith in Jesus?  

This song hints at it.

This is an old Shape-Note hymn, I believe.

A beautiful, unforgettable melody with comforting lyrics.

Found a Peanut music for piano

Found a Peanut beginner piano songs

This silly song will be just right for some of your students.

Does the tune seem familiar?  It's the same as "O My Darling Clementine!"

For the Beauty of the Earth hymn

For the Beauty of the Earth

This is a pretty hymn of thanksgiving for all, to the "Lord of all."

It is an older song - in one of the "Little Women" movies, this hymn is sung at Meg's wedding.

Frere Jacques piano music for beginners

Frere Jacques 

Three beginner arrangements, plus the vocal round in three different keys.

Kids like playing songs they have heard before!

Very easy arrangement for piano, The Funeral March

Funeral March (Chopin), sometimes used as scary Halloween music

This doleful and gloomy piece is recognized by all.

Beethoven's Fur Elise, a very easy piano arrangement, sheet music

Fur Elise

Every young pianist has heard this theme by Beethoven!

Easy piano Irish song

Galway Piper, traditional Irish song

A cute and bouncy melody that sounds even better when a duet partner adds chords!

Play it faster (eventually) than it looks.

Go Tell Aunt Rhody arranged for beginning piano - sheet music

Go Tell Aunt Rhody

This pretty old tune with the odd words about a goose that has died is a good teaching song. 

Bonus - the melody stays inside five notes!

Christmas song Go Tell It On the Mountain for early piano students

Go Tell It On the Mountain

This is a well-known Christmas song.

Like many traditional songs, my melody may be a bit different than the one you are used to!

Golden Wedding music for piano

Golden Wedding

This is a lovely minor melody, with mostly step-wise movement, making it a fairly easy challenge for beginners to read.

Paired with the Secondo, it is recital-worthy.

Goober Peas, a Southern song about peanuts, arranged for early piano.

Goober Peas

With its unknown lyrics, that really must be explained, kids tend to be hesitant about this piece at first... until they learn to sing it.

Then it becomes a favorite!

What Child is This Christmas carol, melody Greensleeves

Greensleeves Duet melody

This lovely melody needs a motivated child.  

Or an excellent notereader!

Two pages.

Happy Birthday sheet music for piano

Happy Birthday

Eventually, every piano player must learn this song for birthday celebrations!  

The melody is a start...

Beginner music Happy Land

Happy Land

A pretty hymn from the 1800's that Laura Ingalls Wilder mentions in her books.

Lewis Carroll poem music How Doth the Little Crocodile

How Doth the Little Crocodile, easy piano songs for beginners

The lyrics come from the magical story Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland".

A bit creepy - and the music intensifies that feeling!

Several versions of the song are on this page.

Brahms' Hungarian Dance sheet music

Hungarian Dance

Chord symbols are given so that strong chords, perhaps with an "Oom-pah" pattern, can fill out this great gypsy-like melody.

This simplified melody is an introduction to one of the great themes of music.

Beginner piano sheet music

I Gave My Love a Cherry - The Riddle Song

A pretty song with an intriguing story.

Valentine's Day song

If I Give to You My Heart

A simple little Valentine's Day song.

Because the melody is filled with skips (3rds and 4ths), there is a challenge to mastering this song!

Beginner piano sheet music

I'm a Pirate

With a strong melody and secondo accompaniment (not shown here) this song has become a go-to favorite for "Review Old Songs" time. 

I have discovered that some of my students adapt the lyrics of this song to cover other situations not included in the life of a pirate - not surprising, as the melody is very singable!

In the Hall of the Mt. King beginner piano

In the Hall of the Mountain King

This is such a great song!  

Even at the beginning level, this melody can hold tension and mystery.

The simple little poem about sneaking through the mountain pass, trying not to attract the attention of the troll inhabitants, may be just right for your student!

Irish piano song

Irish Wedding

Visit this page to find  several easy  (and one very tricky) versions of this super-fun song.

A great favorite at my studio.

Beware - your students may be fighting about who gets to play this at your next recital.  I'm not even kidding!

Jesus Loves Me piano notes

Jesus Loves Me, This I Know

An easy Middle-C arrangement of this popular Sunday School hymn.

With chord symbols for a duet partner.

Jingle Bells sheet music

Jingle Bells

It really doesn't get any easier than this arrangement with letters in the notes!

However, there are other versions here if you want more challenge for your students.

Christmas music Jolly Old Saint Nicholas

Jolly Old Saint Nicholas

This Christmas carol sounds cheery and happy if played fast, or sentimental and thoughtful if played slowly.

Change up the approach to the secondo accompaniment to help achieve these effects.   

Kum Ba Yah

A few lettered notes to help beginning readers navigate through the skips.

This simple tune is known all over the world.

Lake Pirates

This may look too difficult for beginners - it's NOT!

Furthermore, this song is fast becoming this year's FAVORITE at my studio.  I'm having to wheel and deal with a handful of students to prevent them ALL from playing it at the Christmas recital coming up!

The low A's have a handy "AlphaNote" letter inside, and the rest of the melody is all around Middle C, the notes your kids are probably working on!  Two pages long.

Hear a recording of this song, and also the hardest version, at The Lake Pirates page.

Lavender's Blue, with the Cinderella song lyrics 

A big favorite at my studio.  

Because Cinderella is singing this song up in her attic, the prince is finally able to find her!

Little Man Who Wasn't There,  jazzy piano music!

A short and snappy song that is unbelievably cute!  

Multiple requests to play this at my last recital; had to space the performances out!

Even cuter if brothers or sisters play this duet together.

There is an easier-looking arrangement just for beginners on this page, which leaves off the secondo accompaniment.

Loch Lomond lyrics & chords

Probably Scotland's most famous song...

One of its prettiest too!


With a duet partner, this song can be fast and furious and full of energy.

The Moldau

One of the musical repertoire's most famous melodies, condensed down to a simple line.

With lyrics to stir young imaginations.

Several arrangements.

Morning Has Broken

Not very easy, because this song is MADE OF SKIPS.  But very lovely.

If your students have ever heard this song sung by Cat Stevens, they may persevere.

Morning Song sheet music for piano

Morning Song by Grieg

This beautiful melody may be familiar to your young students already.  Because of the shifting fingering, it isn't as easy to play the melody with one hand as you might think.

This lead sheet with "helper notes" will make things a bit easier.  Use open chords in the left hand!

Theme by Mozart piano sheet music

Mozart alla turca pdf - the first movement

This is the soft and pretty movement of the famous sonata.

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep for piano

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

This sweet childhood prayer is now a song that your students can play and sing.

Oh Holy Night piano sheet music

O Holy Night

One of my favorite Christmas songs when I was a child.

It will help if your student can listen to a recording of this song.

Ode to Joy for piano

Ode to Joy

Beethoven's famous melody, with numerous arrangements for beginners and more advanced players as well.

Old Joe Clark piano music

Old Joe Clark

You'll find several arrangements of this song here, in differing levels of difficulty.

Don't discount the appeal of nonsense lyrics!

On Top of Old Smokey piano music

On Top of Old Smoky

An American tune with somewhat tragic lyrics...

"On Top of Spaghetti" words can substitute for the "Old Smoky" words if you prefer.

Thanksgiving Song lyrics "Over the River"

Over the River Thanksgiving song lyrics and music

This is an old favorite - a song about going to Grandmother's - or Grandfather's! - house for Thanksgiving.

It works for Christmas, too, with just a couple word changes.

Several energetic and pretty arrangements!

Christmas music Pat-a-Pan

Pat-a-Pan, a French Christmas song

A lovely minor melody and LOTS of energy set this carol apart!

Easy piano song

Rain, Rain, Go Away beginner keyboard music sheets, free

Several versions of this little song, including a "drip! drip! drip! drip!" -sounding duet.

Red River Valley.

Red River Valley

A beloved old song with cowboy words.

Scarborough Fair

An old song from England, very beautiful.

Shalom Chaverim

A Hebrew singing round, very pretty.

Piano sheet music Shortnin'Bread

Shortnin' Bread sheet music

This easy and repetitious little song manages to be very charming, with the addition of a duet partner!

Sonatina sheet music

Sonatina in C by Clementi, easy

This is a very cute melody, and fun to play!

Snake Charmer sheet music

Snake Charmer

With new lyrics about the snake and his charmer, a magician who has a show.

Spanish Ladies beginner piano music, free!

I have here several arrangements, including the one shown, but in D minor.

This is a sailor song that young boys like to sing!

Beginning piano sheet music for "The Spanish Lady"

Spanish Lady

Not to be confused with "Spanish Ladies," above, this is a fun and bouncy tune with lots of energy.

Similar in feeling to Star of the County Down, it makes a good duet as well.

Star of the County Down beginner piano version

This little-known song is one of the "rites of passage" at my studio.

Guitarists play it, fiddlers play it, and even piano players get into it.   

With backup chords from a secondo player, this piece is a BLAST.

Streets of Laredo

A sad cowboy song, with an unforgettable cowboy story.

Swan Lake

Beautiful ballet music, made easy for beginners.

Middle C hymn for beginners

Sweet Hour of Prayer hymn music

Two pages, this pretty old-fashioned church music is still meaningful, with its scriptural and heart-felt lyrics.

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

With its numerous sharps, this song is a bit more complex than most Middle C music.

But it's worth it!  Loads of fun, with a duet partner.

Tarantelle, the Spider song

This fun piece is two pages long.

With "scary" spider lyrics.

Wabash Cannonball

An energetic song with interesting lyrics about a train.

Waltzing Matilda, free popular sheet music

This song is all about Australia.  

Nowhere else could you find a "billabong" or a "jumbuck," I'm pretty sure.

This song is very satisfying music, especially with a duet partner who can play chords beautifully.

The Water is Wide beginner keyboard music sheets

A very pretty song about love betrayed.

Your students probably won't even notice that line.

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

Kids tend to think this Christmas song is very fun.

And there does seem to be something inherently optimistic and joyful in the very melody!

What Child is This (Greensleeves piano music)

A song known by two names...

"Greensleeves" is the name of the original song, lyrics and melody.

Being so beautiful, the music was "borrowed" for a song about the Christ Child.

What Do You Do With a Drunken Sailor

Not polite words, but a great tune.


By a composer from the Netherlands, a contemplative-sounding piece, very pretty.

An excellent choice for dreamy students who enjoy making up their own little songs.

Yankee Doodle

A super-simple melody, mostly with step-wise movement.

Do I need to explain this famous song to you? 

I'm betting most of the world has heard it!

Yellow Rose of Texas

A pretty and old-fashioned sounding cowboy song.

Yo Ho Ho with made-easy notes

This fun song has two pages, about scrubbing the deck and washing down the slime.

Yes, I'm a fisherman's daughter and that's how it really is at sea!

Your website is a light in the darkness. THANK YOU for all you do in helping to spread the love of music. It matters!

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Interested in songs from the Bible for your students or church?  Check out my other website,! clickable logo link

Songs Old & Songs New

All the first-year material I give my beginner students. 

Piano keyboard sheets, scales, chords, note-reading exercises, and over 256 pages of music!

The Story of Esther - a Bible opera!

Queen Esther in the Bible

This beautiful song book for piano & voice "Esther, For Such a Time as This",  available as a digital downloadtells the riveting story of the time when  Jews in ancient Persia faced a foe named Haman, and how a  brave young queen risked her life to save her people.

A good choice for a singing story-teller, an operatic group, a short theater production, or a class of children!

This book is also available from Amazon as a paperback.

Just the Black Keys, a piano song book for young beginners.

Just the Black Keys

This book is available as a digital download  from this site.  Visit this page to see some free examples from the book.

It is also available from Amazon as a paperback!

This is the perfect easy start for little pianists.

And when they start reading white-key notes on the staff, this is a fun easy resource to say each week, "Choose a new black-key song at home this week and figure it out to show me next lesson!"  They will be spending more time at the piano.

The Adventures of Tonsta, Volume 1, is a book about a young boy travelling over mountains and fjords from village to village, encountering trolls and helping folk in distress.

The Adventures of Tonsta

A perfect read aloud storybook
for little boys or girls. 

The Adventures of Tonsta highlight the travels of a very young boy with a good heart, who goes about helping folk in trouble.  

With a red cap on his head and a sack of tools slung over his shoulder, Tonsta seems to meet people in distress wherever he goes.

Lots of trolls in this book - including one who gives him a Christmas gift!

Available at Amazon

Sight Reading "A Line a Day"

Joy: I bought your Halloween Songs, wrote teacher accompaniment for some, and performed with 17 of my students in costume at an assisted living facility. It was a "win-win" situation.

The kids and residents loved it and the parents were very pleased with the service aspect of their children's performance as well.

Thank you for sharing these lovely pieces that introduce the minor key in a very simple and interesting way to early elementary students. 

Teaching Little Fingers to Play Children's Songs music book for piano

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you....I have a lot of books on graded pieces but not a lot of beginner pieces.

I use material I have written myself together with books I encourage my parents to buy... but sometimes parents just can't afford a book- and as a teacher you sometimes do find your self searching for material....Thank you thank you thank you once again!

John Schaum's Teaching Little Fingers to Play (the piano!)

About the Author

Dana Thynes

Hi, I'm Dana!  (Say that like "Anna".)  I'm the owner of, and a newer site,

Like some of you, I've been playing the piano since early childhood, and have added a few other instruments along the way, plus an interest in arranging and composing music.

You can find out more about me and the reason for this website at my About Me page.