Vieni, vieni o mio diletto

This is a beautiful short aria by Vivaldi.  

Not only short, it also has a smaller range than most arias, making it easier for your students to learn.

Soaring intervals in the melody

This melody, despite having short repeating lines (the form is AABB), has lovely soaring intervals that make you WANT to sing them!  Listen to Victoria Taranova (a Russian singer) in the following still video:

A lead line for the vocalists

Here is just the vocal line, with chords, for this beautiful short aria in SIX different keys:

Vieni, vieni o mio diletto free sheet music for singers.  This beautiful short aria is by Antonio Vivaldi.

Please scroll down the page for the links to the free vocal line pdfs.

What the lyrics mean

What is the singer saying?  "Vieni, vieni, o mio diletto!" This translates as

"Come, come, o my delight!"   

The rest of "Vieni, vieni" ,

"che il mio core tutto affetto

Gia t'aspetta e ogn'or ti chiama," translates to:

"that my heart, all affection, already awaits and already calls!"

One nice thing about this slow but lovely aria is that your students need to learn very few lyrics!  And there are no additional verses - only one verse.

The piano accompaniment

Below, find the vocals with piano accompaniment, in six different keys:  The first page shows page 1 in the key of C minor:

Vieni vieni soprano aria with piano accompaniment sheet music

Below is page 2 of the vocal and piano music, in the key of B minor:

Vocal sheet music for Vivaldi opera aria Vieni vieni

These piano accompaniments are for sale, $5.00 for all 6 accompaniments! 

The piano accompaniments are for sale

Buy Vieni, vieni in 6 keys, $5.00:

Buy Now

So why should you buy "Vieni" from me, aside from the fact that music stores charge more for just one copy (not counting postage or sales tax!), while I am only charging $5.00 for the right to print unlimited copies (for your students only)?

It is available immediately as a digital download onto your computer.

You don't have to download any new software into your computer in order to download this PDF. I don't know about you, but I hate clogging up my computer with yet another program I didn't know I needed. You just need a version of Adobe Acrobat or another PDF reader, which all computers come with. If you DON'T have Adobe Acrobat or a similar program, then you couldn't download any of my other PDFs either.

The notes and lyrics are a little bigger than the copies currently available in music stores, making reading easier!

Speaking of reading the music, you can print this music on any kind of paper you want, and thus avoid the glare of shiny pages (so irritating for accompanists!).

Write and make notes all over these copies, in red and other colors, without feeling you are spoiling your music for posterity. I dislike messing up my music books, but learning the piece is always the first priority. These printouts will make great working copies.

Do you need a letter of permission in order to use this music at a competition? Write me through the Contact Me form, and I will email you a personal letter.

I give you permission to make unlimited copies legally (for your students only). When you need music, you usually need it NOW.  Your accompanist, your soloist-student... let them have this music without fear of copyright infringement.

Paypal, the payment system I use, is a secure and recognized payment system. You can pay by credit or debit card, or your bank account. E-Junkie delivers the PDF document, working as a partner with PayPal...your purchase is guaranteed.

Buy Vieni, vieni in 6 keys, $5.00:

Buy Now

The range for each key:

Vocal ranges for Vieni, vieni by Vivaldi in the different keys

Back to Vieni, vieni...

There are some Italian words that will take practice for your students... such phrases as "già t'aspetta e_ognor ti chiama" are tongue-twisters!

Fortunately, there are well-trained singers to listen to and imitate.  Search online for Italian singers, preferentially.

Buy Vieni, vieni in 6 keys, $5.00:

Buy Now

Here is a great vocal book that includes Vieni vieni.

There are about 100 pages of Art songs of all periods, from Purcell,  Scarlatti and Handel, to  Vaughan Williams, Gershwin and Copland, plus traditional songs from several countries, including China and Indonesia, in this book.

The lead sheet links:

Download aria in Am

Download Vieni, vieni in key of Bm (the key in which it is usually found...)

Download short aria in Cm

Download Vivaldi aria in C#m

Download lead sheet for Vieni in F#m

Download Vivaldi melody in Gm

Male or female, your students will love this beautiful melody and learn new skills in the process of working on it...

Buy Vieni, vieni in 6 keys, $5.00:

Buy Now

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Carrie,Voice and Piano Teacher:
This site is FABULOUS.

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About the Author

Dana Thynes

Hi, I'm Dana!  (Say that like "Anna".)  I'm the owner of, and a newer site,

Like some of you, I've been playing the piano since early childhood, and have added a few other instruments along the way, plus an interest in arranging and composing music.

You can find out more about me and the reason for this website at my About Me page.