The Spanish Lady is a fun, pretty, and fast-moving song from Ireland. And vigorous! Download the free fiddle music and easy acoustic guitar tabs for it here! Also, a piano arrangement to use with singers.
Here is an easy Middle C shared-hands melody arrangement, which has (farther down the page) a duet secondo with energetic chords to accompany it!
Please scroll down the page for the download links.
This song was introduced to me by one of my students, who asked if she could sing it. Browsing through her favorite singers on YouTube, she had encountered the group Celtic Woman singing this song.
This free vocal sheet music is very pretty, bouncy, and great fun to sing with a group of other singers.
This easy-to-understand duet secondo goes with the Middle C melody shown at the top of the page. For a duet secondo, it is relatively easy for young pianists.
As you can see, it is just root position chords, jumping back and forth.
Despite its simplicity, this is a very effective accompaniment to the Spanish Lady melody, and there are a few small challenges for your students with the timing!
Please scroll down the page for the download links.
No sooner had I begun giving this song to my vocal students, than my guitar players and fiddlers also wanted to play it, so I added guitar tabs to the sheet music.
Please scroll down the page for the download links.
Several of my vocal students have and enjoy the Celtic Woman Songbook, which has not just vocal pieces, but also instrumentals such as "The Butterfly" for violin. However, the book does not have Spanish Lady in it!
This song is easier both for guitar and violin players in the key of G, I think.
For fiddlers who play it in G, it is very fun and not too hard to execute double stop notes - a drone - at the bottom of page 1, where the melody goes, "First she washed them..."
Just use the open D string as harmony for the notes of the A string, until you reach the melody change again at "Whack fol the too-rah..."
(This will seem terribly obvious to all you fiddlers of many years' experience, but to me, a pianist who first held a real violin in her hands as a music major in college in String Methods I, playing the violin is still a learning adventure!)
Please scroll down the page for the download links.
Lately I've been giving this melody to motivated younger pianists who already know and like the song, from recitals, or from playing the duet version at the top of the page. We're talking seven and eight-year-olds.
When I give it to them, I tell them that if they can master "the fingering secret," then they will be able to play this song! And they all do it.
The secret is the "sneaking" section, where finger 4 hops off, to be replaced by the thumb. That puts the hand where it needs to be for the next section, until the descent back down to E and D, where crossing over and landing on finger 2 is necessary. Very fun.
Then it happens all over again, until the third line, where the hand must actually lift to land finger 3 on B - and then the hand gets to stay THERE for a bit, then back down again. The pattern of line one actually occurs four times, so they don't have to learn any new fingering!
Pretty soon, they will be wanting to add LH open chords.
I like the way the Celtic Woman version starts with a soloist, then bursts into harmony, so I wrote parts for the middle and end of each verse. The bottom voices are pretty simple, so less-experienced, younger singers can pick them up quickly.
Please scroll down the page for the download links.
Unless you're real handy with fast-moving piano chords, I wouldn't treat the top staff of this version as a piano part -- playing those parallel sixths on the piano could really slow the piece down!
The single line of version one would be preferable, so that the piano could skip along. (Unless playing fast parallel sixths is easy for you, of course. I still think it would weigh the song down.)
The Spanish Lady has become a fast favorite among my students, and I'm betting it will be with yours, too!
The links to the easy piano melody & duet secondo:
Download the Spanish Lady melody arranged at Middle C
Download the secondo duet part accompaniment for the Middle C melody
The links to the guitar music:
Download free Celtic sheet music and easy acoustic guitar tabs in key of G
Download free guitar tabs and free fiddle music in key of A
The links to the lead sheets:
Download Spanish Lady lead sheet in the key of A
Download printable lead sheet in the key of G
The links to the vocal harmonies:
Download Celtic Woman song with vocal harmony in the key of A
Download Celtic Woman song with vocal harmony in the key of G
Ae Fond Kiss - not strictly a folk melody, but it is old - and very lovely!
Colorado Trail - a genuine cowboy song, just one verse, surprisingly lovely
Erie Canal - a vigorous minor melody that kids like, with lots of repeating phrases
Johnny Has Gone for a Soldier - Lovely. Important for breath control and learning to mold a phrase
Loch Lomond, the most famous song of all from Scotland. Still beautiful
Muss i denn or Abschied (Wooden Heart) - from Germany by way of Elvis, an adorable folk tune!
Once I Had a Sweetheart - another sad, pretty, and image-arousing song, once sung by Joan Baez
Scarborough Fair - an old favorite from England, still lovely
Shenandoah - So pretty, and genuinely American. Long phrases, good breath control practice
The Wellerman - a sea shanty that is fun to sing and play
All the first-year material I give my beginner students.
Piano keyboard sheets, scales, chords, note-reading exercises, and over 256 pages of music!
This beautiful song book for piano & voice "Esther, For Such a Time as This", available as a digital download, tells the riveting story of the time when Jews in ancient Persia faced a foe named Haman, and how a brave young queen risked her life to save her people.
A good choice for a singing story-teller, an operatic group, a short theater production, or a class of children!
This book is also available from Amazon as a paperback.
This book is available as a digital download from this site. Visit this page to see some free examples from the book.
It is also available from Amazon as a paperback!
This is the perfect easy start for little pianists.
And when they start reading white-key notes on the staff, this is a fun easy resource to say each week, "Choose a new black-key song at home this week and figure it out to show me next lesson!" They will be spending more time at the piano.
A perfect read aloud storybook
for little boys or girls.
The Adventures of Tonsta highlight the travels of a very young boy with a good heart, who goes about helping folk in trouble.
With a red cap on his head and a sack of tools slung over his shoulder, Tonsta seems to meet people in distress wherever he goes.
Lots of trolls in this book - including one who gives him a Christmas gift!
Carrie,Voice and Piano Teacher:
This site is FABULOUS.
For all the reasons you explain on the site itself--this is exactly what piano teachers need! (I still need to go look at the vocal music). Wow. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
You are awesome. Thank you. I'm a voice and piano teacher and to have so many pieces in one place- for many different levels- is a Godsend. Thank you for the time and effort you have put in to make this so easily available to all of us stressed music teachers!!!
... I watched your video "Wondrous Love" with your eight gals - Magnificent! So refreshing to see good harmonies sung a capella these days; it seems to be rare!
Thanks, Dana, for your excellent customer service.
Thank you! THANK YOU!!! For keeping the beautiful art of Opera alive! I stumbled upon this site and I'm so happy I did!
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Your music web site is very useful. For the teachers and students, very interesting to read.I am one of your web-site fans living …
Hi, I'm Dana! (Say that like "Anna".) I'm the owner of, and a newer site,
Like some of you, I've been playing the piano since early childhood, and have added a few other instruments along the way, plus an interest in arranging and composing music.
You can find out more about me and the reason for this website at my About Me page.