Professional guitar player and teacher

Great job on the big guitar charts. I've started teaching 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades and these fit the bill! Just wish they were customizable, so that the chords could be grouped as desired for particular study. Bravo for the two pages that group together the I and V7 chords, for instance. And if THREE chords on a page could be opted, it would the BEST!

Thanks for the feedback! I'm afraid customizable chord charts are not going to be happening here, but you can do what I do myself: print out a blank chord chart and fill it in with the necessary dots and finger numbers. This won't look as pretty, but it works and is very student-friendly.

If I DID do 3-chord pages, would you be most interested in I, IV & V (as opposed to I, IV, & V7) chords? No promises here -- I'm just saying!

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