About More Note-Reading Worksheets by: John Honeycutt
You will find several collections of easy songs on my website that are somewhat like note reading worksheets. Notes for intervals of a third or less are not named, but further distant notes are named - intervals of a 4th and larger.
The notes are on the treble and bass staves but you will find that the rhythm is shown on a timeline. I think you may like the timeline version, because it seems to be a lot easier for students to read.
The site is the Music Innovator's Workshop - the url is: musiciw.com There is never any charge for using the site, and downloading the music is completely free of charge.
When you arrive at the site, you will see some tabs across the top of the page. Click on the one named "Grand Staff Learning." You will find the collection titles at the bottom of the page in pdf format. Clicking on a title will will bring it on the screen for viewing and downloading. If you want copies, you will be able to print pdf copies. I hope you will find these collections helpful. Best Wishes.