I teach my own son with Aspergers

by Jennifer
(Idaho, USA)

I've taught piano since I was a teen. I've taught all my kids piano since they were preschoolers.

My son was diagnosed with Aspergers a little over a year ago. I had tried to teach him piano before the diagnosis using Alfred's Music for Little Mozart's, which I'd had success using with my other children.

But on reflection, it had too many things going on. He does better with fewer "inputs" and more specific and literal instructions.

I started using the "67 Fun Songs Primer" by Jon Schmidt with him. It seems to fill the needs he has, and although not really expressive or fluent, he can accurately sight read, and he remembers songs with a little practice.


Hi, Jennifer,

It's taken me a few days to reply, but that's because I've been researching the music of Jon Schmidt. I have watched Youtube videos of The Piano Guys, but didn't know any of them had written a piano method.

I'm so intrigued by his different approach, that I went ahead and bought and downloaded the two "67 Songs" books and "Waterfall" myself - I am looking forward to getting familiar with his approach. My students are going to get a kick out of the funny sketches for each song!

And I LOVED that he let me look into each chapter before deciding to purchase. Thanks so much for sharing with us,Jennifer! :D

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by: Dana:

Oops- I commented on your question & published that before publishing your question - sorry it is backwards.


by: Dana:

Hi, Jennifer,

A year or so after I bought "67 Fun Songs Primer" by Jon Schmidt it simply disappeared off of his website. I was very disappointed. But it looks like you can buy used copies on Amazon:

Where do you find it?
by: Jennifer

Where did you find those digital resources? Thanks!

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