Grandson with Autism Interested in Piano Tuning

by Christine

I have a 15-years old autistic grandson who lives in Thornhill (Toronto area). He goes to a regular school with a program for special needs. He loves music and I think he would be interested to explore piano tuning (I think it's worth giving it a try).

Would you have any idea how we can accomplish this task? I understand that I would have to be present at these sessions and that they are not going to be free, but I have a problem finding the right person. Would you have any idea how to start this process and if it is feasible at all.

Thank you.


Dear Christine,
I agree that piano tuning seems like it could be a rewarding pursuit or even profession for a young man like your grandson. He might be very good at it.

The first thing I would do is search online for "learn how to tune a piano." Right away you will come up with many possibilities, both for schools, and for doing it yourself at home.

Here is one very informative site:

This kind of hunting around online might help you and your grandson with autism gauge his interest level.

But if you want personal instruction, you will have to locate schools, and start calling them! There might not be one in your area, so it may take a lot of calling around. This page (please click here) at lists several schools with contact information and also a home study course, but unfortunately no schools in Canada.

Best of luck to you and your grandson.


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My son, a registered piano technician
by: Anonymous

I just helped my son, who has autism, develop his business website and noticed your posting. You may be interested in viewing his site because there are two press articles embedded into the site about his passion for piano technology and his struggle with autism. I hope it encourages you. His business name is Tuning By Tony Piano Service. His website is

Joe Rodriguez
Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA


Nice website, Joe! It looks like Tony has a successful business. (What a handsome young man your son is, by the way.)

Thanks for sharing Tony's story. This is very encouraging indeed.

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