Barbershop Harmony Resource

by Michael Klein
(Lowell, MA)

Hello -

I am a barbershopper in the Lowell, MA area.
Not qualified to tell you how I learned to tune other than a lot of repetition, and I sure have not learned how to perfect it yet.

If nothing else, I am resourceful, so....

Here is an article that I found on our website ( about in tune singing:

Learn the Secrets of In-tune Singing

Here are a couple of people who are very accomplished both in performance and music education that you may want to reach out to.

Dr Bill Adams

Here is a video of Dr. Jim Henry directing his championship chorus,

The Ambassadors of Harmony

Here is his championship quartet,


If you (or anyone reading this) would be interested in doing a demonstration at your school, I am happy to help you arrange it. We are also available and willing to help your music program any way that we can.

It also sounds like you would be a welcome addition at the local chapter that meets in Hingham. They love learning from new perspectives and are always looking for people to help improve their performance level.

Thanks for teaching music. If we are going to preserve our artform, we need people like y'all to keep inspiring the youth to love music.


Michael Klein
Barbershop Harmony Society
Northeastern District, Exec VP
Lowell, MA Chapter

Dana: Thanks so much, Michael! That is a helpful article, and these are great links.

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