Autistic guitar teacher on YouTube providing free lesson videos

My son has a friend who told him about this man on YouTube you gives free guitar lessons by posting instructional videos and lessons.

The best part is, he has autism as well, so my son, along with his friends who also have autism can relate so well to this instructor's videos. It is also so encouraging for my son as he sees how successful this man is with a huge Youtube following.

This young man is so successful despite having autism, not letting this hold him back. I always tell my own son that he can accomplish any dreams he wants and that autism does not make his disabled. What a great example this man is for my son.

This young man also graduated from a college music program, not letting his autism get him down.
Just go to this link as I am sure that any autistic child will benefit and enjoy these lessons as well: or simply search Bobby Crispy on YouTube.


Thank you for your story and the link to Bobby Crispy - I know this will be helpful to many people!

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Great Role model for Aspergers Kids
by: Corina , a happy mom.

My son's school buddy follows Bobby Crispy religiously . Like Bobby, my son has Aspergers,a form of Autism, which I heard from his friend's mother who lives locally in a city near Bobby.

Bobby has struggled with Aspergers his whole life just as my son does. I have also watched his videos and I definitely notice the similarities with my son and am so thankful that my son can look up to someone like this and see that even if someone has Aspergers he can still accomplish so much in life, and that it is not a handicap.

My son's interest in Bobby Crispy guitar lessons are so instrumental in keeping his interest since he loves guitar so much and definitely gives him something to look forward to.

Bobby Crispy is Autistic?
by: Russ

I had no idea that Bobby Crispy from Canada is Autistic. I've watched Bobby Crispy's videos from time to time because he has the notes and chords that sound like the record.
I am grateful for Bobby Crispy's knowledge.
Russell D. Cayzer


Hi, Russell - this is not something that I know about or can attest to the truth of, except from the commenter to this page! For more information, a person should do a longer search on the internet!

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