All You That in This House
Christmas Sheet Music

"All You That in This House" Christmas sheet music is a beautiful minor melody with 10 verses of Christmas song lyrics that will remind you of a Wassail song, with its jovial celebration of eating and drinking!

Now with a stirring piano arrangement that uses just one chord, in many configurations. 

Piano arrangement of "All You That in This House," an English Christmas carol

Download free lead sheets too in 4 different keys; scroll down the page for the links to the printable PDFs.

As you can see, the "one chord" is B minor, arranged in about five variations of Bm broken chords.  B minor is one of my favorite keys, and I'll bet your students like the sound of it as well.

Here is a closeup view.  Notice the slight variations in the left hand:

A closeup view of page one of the Christmas song "All You That in This House"

You might think that the use of just one chord would be tedious.  Perhaps for all 10 verses of this carol, that would be true!  

But your audience (should your student choose to perform this piece) will not suffer even from a repeat of the two pages.  Here is page two:

Christmas song "All You That in This House", with a pretty left hand chord pattern, in the key of B minor.  All the lyrics are here.

Did I mention how PRETTY this piece is?  It is REALLY PRETTY, especially if played with a light touch alternating with some passion.

If you pay close attention to lyrics, you will see that I have changed the last few words of verse 2, where it says, "The bounteous mind is freely bent, and never will a miser prove."

That word "miser" is not in the original verses.  Sadly, the true word has caused problems in recent years among uneducated persons who mistake it for another word that should not be spoken.  Hence, my substitution.

In the lead sheets (shown below), I was always a bit puzzled by the words "The bounteous mind is freely bent, and never will UNSELFISH prove."  But I never stopped to think it all the way through.  

All You That In This House Christmas sheet music from England, FREE!  In several keys,a lead sheet

Now I have exercised the little grey cells (as Hercule Poirot would say), and I realize that of course this word "unselfish" is also a substitution (by someone else) for the term that sounds like the word that should not be spoken.

Unfortunately, it causes the phrase to mean the OPPOSITE of what it should be saying.

Sorry.  It's too much work to change the lead sheets.  You will have to take pen to paper if you wish for a different term!

Irish tin whistle is the perfect instrument for this melody, although the performance is not as metrical as I would choose for a group of singers:

The key of B minor is lovely for violin or fiddle, and a nice range for young singers too:

All You That In This House Christmas sheet music from England. This is a lead sheet, just a melody with chord symbols.

This Christmas song can also work as a round, though there are some almost-dissonant spots.  These are not unpleasant, but requiring a bit of focus on the part of the singers!  

I won't promise your singers will like it at first, but it is undeniably pretty.

See here:

An example of All You That in This House as a round - just the beginning of the song.

The second and third phrases are just the same, so they don't provide harmony when one voice is right behind the other.  

Unlike what I have shown above, I might wait until halfway through the melody before starting the second voice, and perhaps use only two parts, though three parts is pretty!

All You That in This House Be Here, an English Christmas carol, shown as a lead sheet in the key of E minor

I first ran across this song in Mel Bay's A Celtic Fiddle Christmas.

This fun fiddle book is full of familiar and unfamiliar Celtic songs, about half of which are duets, and some rounds. They are pretty easy, being in first position.

Some have engaging names such as "The Furry Day Carol." The Christmas sheet music "All You That in This House" I had never heard before, but I found it catchy immediately, and fun to play on the violin.

Here's a funny little version of this English carol which employs an updated sound:

If you are interested in an accompaniment more complicated than a single chord, try going back and forth between the i and iv chords -- that is, the 1 & 4 chords.

For those of you new to chord theory, the major chords -- usually the I, IV, and V -- are written with capitol letters, and minor chords are generally shown with small-case letters. Here in this song, the i and iv are minor.

So, to work that out, it would be Bm and Em in the key of Bm; Cm and Fm in the key of Cm, Dm and Gm in the key of Dm, and Em and Am in the key of Em. Thoroughly baffled?  Just try it!

Have fun!

The piano arrangement link:

Download All You That in This House for piano

The download links for the lead sheets:

Download free Christmas sheet music All You That in This House in Bm 

Download All You in the key of Cm

Download free sheet music in the key of Dm

Download Christmas sheetmusic in the key of Em 

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Piano keyboard sheets, scales, chords, note-reading exercises, and over 256 pages of music!

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A good choice for a singing story-teller, an operatic group, a short theater production, or a class of children!

This book is also available from Amazon as a paperback.

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It is also available from Amazon as a paperback!

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Thank you for the free downloads! I'm a private teacher and I teach piano and beginner voice as well. :)

I've been running my studio for about a year and I've come across the same issue; I don't want my students to have to purchase an entire supplemental book for only a couple of songs. So thank you for this site...some great downloads!!

Christmas Easy Christmas Duets for piano by Dan Coates music book

Anna Lee:
What a fabulous website! I've been a keen amateur piano player since I first learnt 56 years ago at the age of 8.

I now have a three year old granddaughter and am hoping fervently that she'll want to learn - at which point I'll teach her. This is just the kind of resource I'll need to make it comprehensible. Thank you very much.

Alfred's Christmas Singalong music book

About the Author

Dana Thynes

Hi, I'm Dana!  (Say that like "Anna".)  I'm the owner of, and a newer site,

Like some of you, I've been playing the piano since early childhood, and have added a few other instruments along the way, plus an interest in arranging and composing music.

You can find out more about me and the reason for this website at my About Me page.